This is Rana Vikral

If you are curious to know about me, then this article can help you learn a little bit about me.


Hi, to all my friends all across the blue planet, this is Rana Vikral (my nickname) from India, a country known for its peace, hospitality, and spirituality. 

Now, you may ask, Hey, what’s your original  name?” Then I would say it’s  Jaydeep.

A name that I don’t like much, although it has a very deep and pure meaning, sounds very calm or peaceful, exactly opposite to my inner personality.

I want something that aligns with my inner characteristics. I want a violent and energetic name.

Yes, I’m a very fluctuating guy from the inside; I don’t like a clueless or passionate kind of life. Instead, getting indulged in something is what I prefer. 

The one who has goal is in my opinion, a blessed guy, and he must be thankful to God for that. There’s one common goal or duty we all have to achieve or perform: spreading humanity and kindness. 

I know, I’m talking more like a saint, but that’s how my character is: obsessed with kindness and hates inhumane acts.

I can’t control my anger and frustration while dealing with inhumane behavior. 

Background Story

I’ve pursued my graduation in the arts. I was willing to get into medicine or computer engineering, but due to my financial instability, I chose to go with a BA. To be honest, doing a BA in India means doing nothing. BA has no scope in India. 

Deciding What to Do After Graduating

As soon as I completed my graduation, a deadly question hit my brain: What should I do next? Where should I go now? Is there any way that  can take my life to a prosperous position? 

These were just general questions that started popping into my head, but answering them was a must. 

Entering the Online World: YouTube and Blogging

So I started crawling on YouTube and Google. How do I get a job? I was surprised to see that the online world has a lot of opportunities for everyone, irrespective of educational qualifications or financial background.

You can actually start a full-fledged business online. You can earn more money in online mode as compared to your 9-to-5 job while enjoying your comfort zone. 

Yeah, it was YouTube where I first heard that you can do a career in blogging, and on YouTube itself.

Then I started collecting more information about blogging and YouTube.

After watching several videos and reading articles on Google, I decided to go with both immediately.

Without much hesitation or overthinking, I set up my YouTube channel and a blog.

Starting a YouTube channel was very easy and, of course, free, but in the case of a blog, it was a little bit technical and needed an initial investment.

I was not sure whether it would be a blockbuster movie or would get a flop, but as there were no other options left with me, I decided to give them a try with positive hopes in mind. 

Juggling YouTube and Blogging

I was not very serious about my YouTube channel. Instead, I devoted more time and focused on my blog; managing both simultaneously was a difficult task, as I was doing all of it on my phone, which was not capable of handling that much of a load.

Persistence Over Perfection

To be successful on YouTube, one needs to be good in front of the camera, and for grabbing success in blogging, fluency in writing is a must. Unfortunately, I was lacking both.

Then, how did I manage to foster my content creation journey?

The Principle that I follow

It was because I knew that “no one is perfect and everyone starts from zero.” . Then, without thinking about what others would think or taking on unnecessary social burdens, I just focused on my work and tried to give the best possible effort I could.

My Blog

Tech Niche: AI and Software

You can visit my blog  — Sureshwaram

For my blog, I decided to go with the tech and business niches. I was already passionate about new technological innovations and business life. 

Many expert bloggers suggest that, at the beginning of your blogging journey, you should focus on only one or two categories to build your strong authority and credibility. It will become easy for Google to identify the main topic of your blog. 

Therefore, I decided to go with the Artificial Intelligence and Software niche, one of the most lucrative and premium niches in the market with very high RPM and lots of affiliate opportunities. 

As you know, I was not from a technical background, and the only principle that was working for me and is still working is 

Learn, Implement, and Share

learning Python and AI

My learning mode is still on and will always be on. Besides blogging, I am also shaking my hands at Python programming, one of the most beginner-friendly and easy-to-learn languages.

Recognizing the fact that there is a strong connection between Python and artificial intelligence, I thought learning Python could be beneficial in the long run.

Would you like to know what type of content I Share on my blog then feel free to visit it.

Passion and Interest

First of all, I would like to share my favourite sport, which is cricket. It is my life, or, in short, everything. 

Wherever and whenever I get the opportunity to play, I can’t resist it. 

Next, shaking hands with new technology is what I like. 

Delving into new tech trends, scrapping the internet to get the latest updates, and doing research for content creation sounds boring to you, but for me, it’s my bread and butter. 

More importantly, I just want to become wealthy, not enjoy a lifestyle but have a peaceful and stress-free life. 

People who say money can’t buy you everything should stop chasing it; they are just fooling us. 

For me,

Problem = Problem, but
Problem + Poverty = 10x problem or even 100x

That’s what I don’t want in my future, at least. I don’t want to be super rich. But financial freedom is most important, and everyone should aim for that; otherwise, poverty is always ready to welcome you. 

Want to connect with me?

I know that I am not a big celebrity or a brand like Personality; I am just a simple writer running this blog so I can serve my daily needs.

I am not that active on social media, but LinkedIn is my favorite platform, where I spend most of the time.

As people on LinkedIn are very like-minded, helpful, and kind, I never fail to think that I am wasting my time here. Rather, it is like an investment for me. 

I will be happy to connect with you guys on LinkedIn, so feel free to message me anytime.

Final Though

Lastly, I would like to add that; 

My journey is about adjusting, persevering, and being enthusiastic. Despite facing various obstacles, I have stayed dedicated to grabbing new chances, growing from difficulties, and sharing my journey with others. 

As I progress on my journey of seeking and expanding, I encourage you to come along with me to uncover the boundless opportunities that life presents. 

Thank you for investing your time in getting to know a little about me, and I am excited to connect with you if you want on LinkedIn
